Importance of Teamwork

     In class on Friday when we did that activity on being stranded, I noticed how important working together is. Without teamwork we couldn't consider different aspects on things and how to approach them. Teamwork and working with other people helps you recognize things you might not have at first. When you work together, a lot can also get done faster.

     One way I've seen proof of this is through sports. For example, in basketball everyone has to be in the right spot on the court at the right time and work together to score or defend. Same thing in football, everyone has to work together to be successful. Without teamwork, things would be chaotic. Teamwork is a great way to solve things.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog. Teamwork is definitely essential for success and is very important in life.

  2. Teamwork is an interesting topic. Sometimes, people don't think that but is an essential skill, but in reality, it is how most objectives are accomplished.

  3. Great post! I agree, teamwork is very important in a situation like that.


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