Free Post: Thanksgiving Day

     One of my favorite times of the year, Thanksgiving. My day started off with waking up to the smell of turkey and all kinds of other foods. I went downstairs into the kitchen where my mom was cooking. She made me go back upstairs because I had to take a shower and get dressed and stuff. When I came back down I talked to my family and watched football until dinner was ready.

     As the day went by, my God Family visited to come spend the day at our house. We ate and then sat around the table and talked. Then we played some bored games and chilled. We watched more football and caught up with each other. It was a great day.


  1. That sounds like a great Thanksgiving! I am glad you had a good time with your family.

  2. Sounds like a productive and fun filled Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoyed the food and had a wonderful time!

  3. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving with your family! I am glad you had a great time with your family and the food.

  4. Cool, I hope you had fun. My god parents are my uncle Brent and aunt Toma.


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