Vocab Post

     For a month in the summer, I visited California with my family. We saw a bunch of different parts of California. We saw different types of people throughout the trip. For a minute part of the trip, we visited Compton. It was even worse in real life.

     There was a lot of gang activity. The place had a lot of vice activity. I've never seen a place so dangerous and crime filled. People there are in poverty and need a lot of help. Hopefully in the future I can help...

Vocabulary Words:
Minute- for a short period of time
Vice-criminal activity


  1. Your trip to Compton sound really mind blowing. Also I am glad that you learned the word minute because that is a very commonly used word.

  2. Great use of your vocabulary and I am interested to hear about your trip if you would like to share!! :)

  3. I liked the word vice and how you used it with Compton. Great little story and I would like to help you too!


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