Umbrella Song

     I pickled the song Umbrella because I loved the song growing up. It has internal rhyme, alliteration, and assonance.

"You know me, in anticipation for precipitation"

     This song uses internal rhyme to keep the listener hooked to the song in a catchy way do to the rhyming. Rihanna does this to connect to her listeners in a way thats not so boring and is also up beat. Good song-writiers do this so they can communicate their message in an effective way.

"Good Girl Gone Bad"

     This alliteration is used to catch a listeners attention and make the song catchy. It can be easy to remember and can really catch the listeners attention. Things like this can get stuck in your head so you don't forget it, which the song-write intends.

"Under my umbrella (Ella ella, eh eh eh)"

     This is assonance in the song Umbrella. Rihanna repeats this phrase over and over to get her readers attention and to emphasize the main point or aspect of the song. The song is about "being under her umbrella" or protection, which she emphasizes by repeating "Ella, ella, eh eh eh."


  1. You broke down the song and analyzed it really well. I like how you included more than one technique. Good jobb


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