Hurricane Katrina Response

     In my years of living in Louisiana, I have of course heard all about Hurricane Katrina. I knew it was horrible and affected New Orleans in a big way. But, this article taught me so much more. Hurricane Katrina was a very dangerous and effective hurricane. It accounted for 100 billion dollars in damage and left a lot of innocent people to either die, evacuate, or stay at home and wait it out. Thousands of people were effected and desperate for shelter, food, and water. Although we came together as a community to help, the government wasn't quite prepared...

     This is the part I did not know. At the time, George W. Bush was president. Him and the government didn't understand how bad this hurricane was. It took days for FEMA to respond and help our people. Hopefully we have learned from this hurricane to always be prepared for any natural disaster.


  1. Nick, I think that this is a very accurate and well-thought out response. I was living in New Orleans when Katrina hit, and although I don't remember much, I feel like this is a great summary of the disaster. Great job!


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