Research Project: Boer War

     My topic is the South African Boer War. It all starts off with my research question, how has the war affected South Africa? The war was fought in South Africa in the 1800/ 1900s between the South African "Boer Republic" and Great Britain. A lot of my research is o he forgotten people and how they were affected.

     The war affected a lot of forgotten South African men and women. The war is very important to the shift and changes that South Africa has gone through. It isn't a very popular war, but it is definitely significant. Tens of thousands of people dies in concentration camps under British command and thousands of others suffered. South Africa will never be the same after this war.


  1. You did a great job of connecting your research topic to how it affects the world and why it is important!

  2. Your research topic is very interesting and I really like how you connect it all together. I really never knew about the Boer War but have heard about it, sounds like a very interesting topic.


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