Hits and Misses

     This year I have really grown as a writer. From working with the literary analysis, personal narrative, etc. One paper I felt I did especially well on is the personal narrative. I was able to share a story about a very important event that happened in my life. I didn't have any trouble with spilling my thoughts and feelings onto the page and sharing my story. I've always found doing that easy and enjoyable, but I can't say that for all papers.

     One paper I definitely struggled with is the literary analysis. I had trouble making relationships between Piggy and the other characters in LOTF and it was hard for me to go in depth. I could think what I wanted to say, but I couldn't exactly write it if that makes sense. Although I did enjoy the book, write g about it wasn't my strong suit. Even with that struggle, I've really stepped up my writing this year. I've learned how to go more in depth and use my literary elements to write papers in a better way and to reach my readers on a different level.


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