PH Reading Response

     If there is one character I have payed close attention to and also feel very bad for, it is Kambili. She is not only constantly abused and beaten by her father, but she has no social life and friends. Once school is over, her social life is non-existent. There is one instant in the book where Kambili and Jaja are examining a painting as Papa walks in. It is interesting to me, because as soon as Kambili is being social, her dad unnecessarily beats her and ruins it.

     As Papa rips up the painting, Kambili freaks out and lays by it. Papa grows furious. "'Get up! Get away from that painting!"' "I lay there, did nothing." "'Get up!"' "Papa said again. I still did not move. He started to kick me. The metal buckets on his slippers stung like bites from giant mosquitos." Here we can see that Papa is not happy with the situation as it escalates quickly. I feel bad because Kambili gets brutally beaten in a social instance that she was enjoying before Papa got there. Will she ever have a good life?


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