What are you grateful for?

     As I grow older and the years go by, I notice more and more how good I have it. My parents have worked really hard to give me the life I have. I am grateful for the fact that I am able to go to an extremely expensive and great private school, a thing a lot of kids can't say. I have always gone to private schools with good education and staff, making my learning experience better than a lot.

     Another thing I am grateful for are my friends and family. Anytime I need people to hang out with or talk to I can go to my friends and family. They are both always there for me no matter what. Imagine how boring life would be without friends. Imagine how unstable and bad life would be without family. They are two very great things.


  1. I am also were grateful for what I have. I agree that without family and friends life would be rough.

  2. I enjoy that you take the time to appreciate everything that you have been blessed with. Also, I agree that friends and family are essential. Your post brings up some good ideas, but you should consider elaboration on those ideas more.

  3. It’s important to reflect on all that you have instead of what you do not have. It shows a great deal of character that you are thankful for what you are given.

  4. It is very important to be grateful for the many blessings in life. A very moving post.


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